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What Was Steve Jobs' Dream?

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In the days that followed Steve Jobs's death, the Apple founder set his sights on disrupting more industries. His dream included turning textbooks into artistic creations. This is what the company declared in January 2012. Some of the other future plans include creating digital tools for photography and simplified television. Apple will continue its role as a leader in technology and creativity so long that Jobs DNA is still with us. But where will he find the energy to pursue all of his ideas?


The iCar is a hot topic in tech right at the moment. It is rumored that it is based on Steve Jobs’ dream. A long-time Apple advisor and board member, Mickey Drexler, has confirmed that Jobs had always dreamed of designing a car before his death. Although the company has achieved success in technology, it has not been able to make a significant impact in the automotive sector. Drexler, however, expressed his disappointment at the state of the American automobile industry.

Apple II

Steve Jobs dreamed of creating a personal computer for as low as $100 that would be competitive with the top desktop computers. This was his goal during his first years at Apple. These devices were "real artists" to him, so he required that all owners sign each product's cases. He did not want to compete with the competition aggressively, and felt that a higher price would add exclusivity. In the end, the Apple II became a sensation.

steve jobs death quote


The iMac's design has less to do with aesthetics than engineering. The recessed handle is more a symbolic gesture than a practical one. This design was intended to counter the intimidating nature computer systems. The iMac's design allows you to touch it and signals that you can. This is a way to decrease the intimidation that many computer users feel. It's more than a pretty face.


The iBook, also known as the iPaq or Apple's iBook, was unveiled at Macworld Expo 1999. Apple targeted it at consumers and students, and promoted it in bright colors with AirPort technology. It was an instant success and opened the door to more success for Apple. These are facts about the iBook, and what it can accomplish.


Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder, introduced the iPhone in 2007. He declared it a revolutionary product that would change the way we use technology. The first iPhone, however, lacked both a front-facing camera and a video recording capability. Nobody in the audience could have imagined the impact of the smartphone on the social media revolution. Jobs' vision for a phone with "killer app" that allows users to make and take calls was able reshape the way we use phones.

apple iphone releases history

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Do I have to be connected to internet in order to play?

No! Many people believe that to play online games, they must connect to the internet. This is false. To play a game, you only need to download it once.

This feature is called "AlwaysOn" mode. Once it's turned on, the game downloads all updates as soon as they become available. This means you don't have to worry about updating or downloading patches.

Which console does it matter which one is more powerful?

The Xbox 360 is the most powerful console on the market today. It has a remarkable amount of power considering its small size. It's almost twice as powerful as a PS3. It is capable of running games at 1080p resolution which sets it apart from all other consoles. This allows you to clearly see all the details and enjoy stunning graphics.

However, the PlayStation 3 doesn't provide this level of clarity. The PS3's 720p screen isn't as sharp as the Xbox 360’s 1080p. The PS3 has Blu-Ray capabilities but not as much power as the Xbox 360.

So which console should you buy? The Xbox 360 is the best option if you want the best overall gaming experience. If you want to play the best gaming system, then the PS3 will be your best option. Both systems deliver amazing gameplay experiences.

What about my old games?

Yes! Microsoft has ensured that older titles will work flawlessly on Xbox One. You can even play your old games on Windows 10. It is important to ensure that your software is up-to-date before you play any old games. You might also have to download updates released after your original purchase.

Is PC better than console?

The simple answer is: You should go PC if your goal is to have an enjoyable gaming experience. Consoles are great for gamers who want to play on the go.

Consoles are best if you're looking to play online. PCs, however, are the best if your goal is to play offline as a single player.

What are the games on each console?

Xbox One has 1 TB storage space. This gives you enough space to store thousands more games. PS4 can store 500GB of internal storage. That's enough storage to hold hundreds of video games.


  • The pay-to-play PC version accounts for 3% of players. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • Estimates range from 505 million peak daily players[10]to over 1 billion total players.[11][12] The free-to-play mobile version accounts for 97% of players. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • Rural areas that are still 100% cable may continue to experience peak hour slowdowns, however. (highspeedinternet.com)
  • Sadly, there aren't as many fantastic exclusives on Series X as PS5, at least as of 2022, but that will likely change in the future. (digitaltrends.com)

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How To

How to make a career as a professional player

You must start playing games to become a pro gamer. Second, get better at them. The third step involves identifying what you truly enjoy doing. Finally, the fourth step involves making money from your hobby.

You should learn the basics of video game play before you attempt to play professionally. You need to practice until mastering the basics of game mechanics. This includes shooting, shooting and dodging. After mastering these basics, you'll want to try different types of games. Explore different types of games such as strategy games and action games. Play many different kinds of games until you find one that you enjoy. Check out our guide on how to make money gaming.

You may be able make money streaming the gameplay of other gamers if you have previous experience with video games. There are many sites that allow you to stream free video games. These sites include Twitch. YouTube Gaming and Ustream.

Once you've learned the basics, it's time to move on to the next step: discovering what you enjoy doing. Do you like strategy games? Action games? Shooters? Platformers? Role-playing games? Puzzle games? Sports games? Whatever your favorite genre, you have to decide what you are most passionate about.

You can also find new games to download. You can also purchase games from digital download shops on websites like Steam, Desura and Gamestop or your Android, iOS, or Linux device.

Once you have a clear idea of what you enjoy doing, you can start to make money with it. How can you turn your hobby into a career? Learn how to make money playing video games.


What Was Steve Jobs' Dream?